Your username is your entire email address.
Russia Vladivostok Mission eldersmith@ ru.vvo.teancum.net
Computer Programmer
The Teancum Project is currently searching for a Volunteer PHP Computer Programmer who has an advanced knowledge of the language, is familiar with the fundamentals of Hierarchal (LDAP) and Relational (SQL) Database Management Systems, and able to adhere to pre-established coding practices, with attention for detail. The Volunteer will remotely assist in co-developing an exciting new subcomponent of the project that will require 8-10 hours of volunteer time per week, until ready for production.
Contact us with your experience to be considered for the position.
Web/Graphic Designer
The Teancum Project is currently searching for a Volunteer Web and Graphic Designer who will enhance the pre-established site layout and design, streamline and increase load times of inherited content, and influence the overall usability and efficiency of the site. The Volunteer will remotely assist in improving page layout, content placement, image and media design that will require a flexible, on-call style relationship. The Volunteer will need to hold their own, private, copies of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
Contact us with your experience to be considered for the position.
Your username is your entire email address.
El Recreo Branch Palmira emma@ smith.teancum.net